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  • Transvestism: a survey of 1032 cross-

    • by Richard F. Docter , Virginia Prince

    • "In 1972, Prince and gentler presented the results of a survey of 504 transvestites that has been widely relied upon; the present study is a replication of this earlier work. A principle reason for undertaking this study is that there have been several social changes over the past 20 years affecting cross- dressers. These developments have included the decriminalization of cross-dressing that existed in some jurisdictions, the formation of support groups in most of the larger cities of the world, informative television programs about cross-dressing and transsexualism, and the establishment of two national organizations addressing the concerns of cross-dressers and transsexuals. Our primary goal was to compare cross-dressers sampled a generation apart across the following variables: (i) demographic, childhood and family factors, (ii) sexual orientation and sexual behavior, (iii) cross-gender identity, (iv) cross-gender role behavior, (v) future plans to live entirely as a woman, (vi) reliance upon counseling or mental health services.

    • ​A secondary objective concerns the classification of transvestites. There is reason to believe that at least two subgroups of cross-dressers (excluding transgenderists and transsexuals) may be identified based on differences in cross-gender identity (Benjamin, 1966; gentler, 1976; Blanchard et al., 1987; Brierley, 1979; Buhrich and McConaghy, 1977, 1979). A variety of terminology has been used to identify these two groups. For the present report, we simply identify them as Groups 1 and 2. We believe these two groups are akin to the Nuclear and Marginal transvestite subgroups described by Buhrich and McConaghy (1977, 1979). A review of classification issues and reports of transvestite subgroups has been provided by Docter (1988). Summarizing across several reports, it would be predicted that cross-dressers assigned to our Group 1, as compared to Group 2, would be characterized by higher sexual arousal, lower cross-gender identity, propensity for heterosexual orientation, less propensity to feminize the body, and less motivation to live entirely as a woman. Group 2 cross- dressers would be predicted to show a stronger cross-gender identity, eagerness for feminization of the body, less sexual arousal associated with cross dressing, a propensity for sexual relationships with males, and transsexual inclinations including plans for living entirely as a woman. We divided the present sample into two groups differing in cross-gender identity; these groups were then compared across the variables noted above. Clarification of these two groups of cross dressers relates not only to the problem of classification but also to the little understood question of what variables, if any, may predict the evolution of periodic cross-dressers into full-time cross-dressers who live entirely as women, with or without surgical or hormonal sex reassignment."

  • Transvestic Fetishism in the GeneralPopulation: Prevalence and Correlates

    • NIKLAS LaANGSTR¨OM - Centre for Violence Prevention, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

    • KENNETH J. ZUCKERChild and Adolescent Gender Identity Clinic, Child Psychiatry Program, Centre for Addictionand Mental Health, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    • "We used a random sample of 2,450 18–60 year-olds in the generalpopulation of Sweden to study the prevalence as well as the so-cial, sexual, and health correlates of transvestic fetishism (sexualarousal from cross-dressing). Almost three percent (2.8%) of menand 0.4% of women reported at least one episode of transvesticfetishism. Separation from parents, same-sex sexual experiences,being easily sexually aroused, pornography use, and higher mas-turbation frequency were significantly associated with transvesticfetishism. A positive attitude to this sexual practice and paraphiliaindicators—sexual arousal from using pain, exposing genitals to a stranger, and spying on others having sex—were particularly strongcorrelates to the dependent variable."

  • Multiple Paraphilic Diagnoses among Sex Offenders

    • Gene G. Abel, MD; Judith V. Becker, PhD; Jerry Cunningham-Rathner, BA; Mary Mittelman, DrPH; and Joanne-L. Rouleau, PhD

    • "The psychiatric literature suggests that paraphiliacs can be expected to partic- ipate in only one type of deviant sexual behavior. Using self-reports gathered with assured confidentiality from 561 nonincarcerated paraphiliacs, we discovered that most paraphiliacs have had significant experience with as many as ten different types of deviant sexual behavior without regard, in many cases, to gender, age, and familial relationship of the victim. The relevance of these findings to our un- derstanding of paraphiliacs and their treatment is discussed."


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The 11th

Hour Blog

Investigative Journalism from Jennifer Bilek with focus at the intersection of Transgender, Capitalism, and Technology.

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campaign against sex robots

The Campaign Against Sex Robots highlights that machines in the form of women or children for use as sex objects, substitutes for human partners or prostituted persons, are harmful and will contribute to inequalities in society.



WLRN is non commercial & member operated, they report from the frontlines of women's resistance and lift up the voices of underrepresented and marginalized girls and women from around the world.


transgender abuse .org

home of "the gender mapper"

"We advocate for an end to the experimental intervention being performed on children across the World. Puberty Blockers do not "pause" puberty- there is no evidence that supports this claim- they chemically castrate the child and stunt all development- including psychological and emotional development."



Our mission is to raise awareness and support efforts to stop the unethical treatment of children by schools, hospitals, and mental and medical healthcare providers under the duplicitous banner of gender identity affirmation. We believe that no child is born in the wrong body.


women are human

Women are Human is dedicated to exploring the totalitarian impact of the gender identity movement on society as a whole, and particularly on women and girls, in every aspect of life, from identity, legal rights, health care, privacy, safety, sexuality, participation in sports, careers and politics, and more.


save women's sports

Save Women's Sports is a coalition that seeks to preserve 

biology-based eligibility standards for participation in female sports.


whose body

is it?



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Jillian Anderson

Writer, Mentor, and Transformational Coach -- Author of, "The Deeply Supporter Mother Workbook", and host of The Vital Mother Podcast.

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